Hazards exists in every workplace. There are dangers to life, limb, and health of workers in industry. The hazards arise out of use of dangerous substances and from working in certain manufacturing process and environment. Workers are exposed to serious risks of bodily injury, poisoning and occupational diseases.
Personnel Protective Equipment (PPE) is designed to be worn by an individual to eliminate or minimise the exposure to injury or illness. Generally, equipment has been designed to be worn on selected part of the body and can be categorised by the area it protects. Some PPE devices offer protection across one or more categories. However, it should be kept in mind that the PPE does not reduce the hazards itself nor does it guarantee permanent or total protection. The equipment is designed only to interpose an effective barrier between the worker and harmful substances, process or equipment.
Under various provisions of the Factories Act, 1948, and the Rules framed thereunder, suitable PPE is required to be provided to the workers engaged on dangerous operations.
Selection and maintenance of PPE is an important aspect to be looked into while introduction of protection policy. If a protective device is unattractive, uncomfortable or is imposed on the workers with little choice in selection, their compliance is likely to be poor. Flexibility in the use of PPE is important, provided that it confirms the proper safety standards. PPE as a protection strategy is frequently abused and can fail. Sometimes PPE is not properly introduced or understood.
SHIB has the required expertise to decide the degree of protection required and appropriateness of the equipment to the situation.
A fire can take place at any time at any occupancy. To prevent these potential fires, infrastructure relating to fire prevention & protection has not only to be created, but also to be maintained in good condition. The statutory regulations also insist for the provision and upkeep of these facilities in various occupancies. However, it was observed that the required facilities/infrastructure are not provided in many occupancies, due to obvious reasons. Even if the facilities are provided, they are not being maintained. At the time of emergency/fire, these facilties are not in a condition to be used. Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate/assess, the requirements of fire prevention & protection facilities in various occupancies, so as to meet any potential fire hazards.
SHIB has the expertise to evaluate the existing infrastructure relating to fire prevention & protection and recommend the optimum requirement for mitigating the potential fire hazards.
It was established beyond doubt that the physical working conditions like ventilation, lighting, colour, heat, temperature, dust, etc. affects the performance and efficiency of the employees which in turn contribute to potential hazards in workplaces. It is therefore necessary to evaluate or assess the status of these conditions in the workplaces, so as to take remedial measures and improve the working conditions.
SHIB has the necessary expertise to evaluate/assess various parameters in the workplaces, with a view to determining the existing levels/parameters and recommend the optimum levels and control measures needed so as to improve safe working conditions.
High noise levels, not only affect the performance of the employees, but also affect their health. The high noise levels in the workplaces can result in “Noise Induced Hearing Loss” among the employees. Hence, the Noise Induced Hearing Loss is considered as a compensable occupational disease, under the Indian Factories Act. To determine the Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Audiometry Tests of the employees has to be taken periodically and the records are to be maintained.
SHIB has the necessary expertise to evaluate the noise level of any workplace and recommend control measures so that the noise does not affect the health of the employees.
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